Corporate Statement

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Our Vision

To become a leading international manufacturer of complex systems for a smart connected world.

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Our Purpose

To keep smart applications running, anywhere.

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Our Mission

To design and supply innovative specialised computing platforms to help our customers create complex technical solutions for challenging, certified or critical applications.

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Key Business Objectives

These core objectives guide us in the delivery of our mission:

  • High quality customer service and satisfaction
  • Employee welfare and development
  • Growth and profitability
  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Consistent high standards of production
  • Product and process innovation
  • Lean, simple and effective processes
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Core Values

We are passionate and committed to continuously working harder than anyone else in our efforts to:

  • Support and protect the interests of our valued customers
  • Add value and reduce waste and inefficiency in all that we do
  • Drive standards of professionalism and integrity in our workplace
  • Always honour our commitments and accept personal responsibility
  • Pursue levels of excellence consistent with an industry leader
  • Create and maintain a challenging, rewarding and enjoyable place of work
  • Live up to our responsibilities to our stakeholders, our community and the environment
  • Inspire company-wide innovation and engagement
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Culture & Behaviours

  • Respect for people and processes
  • Positive attitude with a can-do, will-do approach
  • Teamwork, collaboration and interdependence
  • Ambition to always aim high and stretch our performance
  • Plan our work, and work our plans
  • Passion, energy and drive to complete what we start
  • Curiosity, conviction and courage to innovate and pioneer new methods
  • Openness in reviewing failure, with a willingness to learn and improve
  • Respect and uphold our rules of operation
  • Urgency for all that is important and pride in all that we do

Corporate Citizenship

As a responsible corporate citizen, we are committed to making a positive impact in the areas that matter most.

Our focus is on the environment, education, and charitable causes, encouraging and empowering our staff to participate.

Through our collective efforts, we believe that we can make a meaningful contribution to our community and the world around us.

Caring for the Environment

We are passionate about protecting the environment and committed to doing our part to make a difference. Our ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) is an essential component of our efforts. Applying best practices in recycling, reducing waste, and protecting the environment from the effects of our manufacturing operations and products. We take pride in encouraging and empowering our staff to be active participants in our efforts, offering programs like our cycle to work scheme. Together, we believe that we can create a better future for our planet and our community.

Employee Welfare & Development

Employee welfare and development are integral to our business philosophy. We believe that happy and healthy teams are essential to our success, and we prioritise their well-being. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion ensures that everyone feels valued and supported. We provide ongoing education and development opportunities, as well as a structured career path, to empower our staff to reach their full potential. Together, we are building a stronger, more resilient organisation.

Educational Outreach

We believe in the power of education to transform lives, and are committed to supporting our local schools, colleges, and universities. Our employees and managers engage with education establishments mentoring students, providing guidance and support to prepare them for entry into the workplace. We sponsor student placements, projects, and prizes, recognising the importance of practical experience in shaping the future workforce.

Supply Chain

Our supply chain is a critical part of our business, and we are committed to working with suppliers who share our values. We have relationships with diverse suppliers from around the world, and we hold them to the same high standards of ethical behaviour that we hold ourselves to. We believe that working together with our suppliers to achieve our shared goals is key to our success.

Anti-Corruption & Bribery Measures

We are committed to conducting all of our business activities with the utmost integrity and honesty. Bribery and corruption have no place in our business, and we have implemented measures to prevent and detect any such activity. We periodically conduct risk assessments in areas where we may be exposed to higher risks, and continuously review and enhance our controls to mitigate any potential risks, ensuring that they remain effective.

Tried, Tested and Trusted

Established since 1985, we take great pride in our Tried, Tested and Trusted approach, which has earned us a reputation for excellence in our industry. Whether you need a bespoke solution or a customised configuration, we have the expertise to assist you. Contact us to find out how we can support your application deployment anywhere.